How The Internet Can Help You Screen Job Applicants

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In the past, you might have always accepted hand-written applications and copies of resumes when looking for employees. Nowadays, however, there are better ways of handling this process. For example, there are various different ways that you can use the World Wide Web to screen job applicants and choose the right person for the position. These are a few of the things that you can do online during the hiring process:

Filter Out Resumes

First of all, if you are worried about how time-consuming it might be to look over resumes yourself, you should know that there are screening tools that will actually check resumes for you and sort them out based off of experience and other factors. This can help you weed out employees who aren't a good fit for your company and can save you a ton of time.

Have Potential Hires Take Online Pre-Employment Screening Tests

You can also use online pre-employment screening tests as a mean of screening job applicants. The type of test that you will choose will probably depend on the industry that you are involved in and the position that you are hiring for. Some of these tests are simply designed to help employers find honest candidates. Some ask questions that are related to the industry and the job to get a feel for whether or not the potential hire has experience and knowledge that will help him or her perform well. By having potential employees take these tests, you can help filter out applicants without having to ask all of these questions yourself. In fact, many of these tests are automatically graded by the computer and will sort out potential employees based on score, making it easy for you to know who to call and who to skip.

Check Backgrounds and Verify Information

There are various online programs out there that employers can use if they would like to check the background of potential employees and if they would like to verify to ensure that certain information is true, such as prior job experience. Using one of these programs usually comes with a fee, which you can often pay either per person that you screen or per month. Using one of these programs can help you ensure that you are hiring someone who is trustworthy and experienced.

Even though you might have never really relied on online tools to help you with screening job applicants in the past, doing so can make your life a whole lot easier. Plus, it can help you ensure that you actually hire the right employees for your company.

Contact a company like Sixcel for more information and assistance. 
